Thursday, March 3, 2011

Love is Patient and Kind

Tonight, we discussed about the two natures of love which are that it's kind and patient. Both qualities are not so natural in man. That is why we also learned that for love to be sincere, it must be on the foundation of God's love.

We cannot love without hooking it on God. There is always an ulterior motive. Something that drives us. We may not be aware of it but there is. For example, why do you spend so much money in dating someone? It's because you enjoy spending time with the person. It's not because you want to add value to the person or you want to give the person something that would improve him/her in any way.

I think the world would truly be a better place if we just loved each other because God first loved us.

I'm looking forward for the next discussions about love with this season's topic 40 Days of Love.