Sunday, January 9, 2011

Possible Appearance in a Morning Show

While driving home from church last night, I received a text message from one of the segment producers of a morning show here in the Philippines. She identified herself as part of this production and expressed her interest in getting me as a guest in the show.

I've appeared before in a morning show for a few seconds. I didn't think I'd be given the opportunity to do so again. I thought I was being pranked so upon arriving home, I logged into my computer.

I googled her name and found out that she's in wikipedia and she was indeed listed in the segment producers of this morning show she mentioned earlier.

So I got down on my knees and thanked God for giving me another blessing. For finding favor in me though I've failed him millions of times. I was so humbled by God that night. I pray that God changes me that I be able to please him more and more.


1 comment:

  1. It happened according to God's plan. To Him be all the glory!
